Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

new work "Off Horizon" 24x18

From Now On 23 April

I'm going to use this site now to showcase my own work. I'll shift my "scrapbooking" impulse to another site or to my main site. This way the Chromenos will be my Gallery online to which I can refer any curious viewers.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"False" by Jasper Johns (wow)

lost now -- oh well

This painting was about 6'x4' and a thin green line was later added between each of the reds and blues. The owner says it had to be stored and then moved and in the process it is now lost of gone---somewhere on Cape Cod. A nice end, though, perhaps it floated off into the sea, sort of like Virginia Woolf loading her pockets for suicide in the brook near her house. It might also have been thrown into a dumpster somewhere too. Each day millions of remaindered books are shredded, so I could dedicate this lost "book" painting to those millions of unread books and other unseen paintings.