Monday, September 09, 2024

Rilke's line

 "I love you, but it's none of your business."

The introverted Eros type is also motivated by a desire for relationship and connection, for a union with people, ideas and things.  But they are less open about the things they are fascinated by or that they love.  Put another way, their relationship to the people or things they love is based primarily on their fascination with the internal image activated by the outer person or thing. It was the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, evidently an introverted Eros type, who said: "I love you, but it's none of your business."  This attitude is something inconceivable for the extraverted Eros types; if they love you, you will hear about it and they will make certain that it is your business.

But the fact is that the introverted Eros types have all sorts of inner relationships, connections and friendly feelings that are never openly expressed or revealed.  The result is that they are often disappointed and even feel betrayed by people with whom they thought they had a close connection, when in reality, these people know nothing about it and then don't understand what it is they may have done or said to hurt them.

Like their extraverted counterpart, the introverted Eros type may love and be fascinated by art, music, ideas, nature or their work, as well as other areas of interest, but they will pursue these loves in a quiet, unobtrusive, sometimes almost secretive manner.  Only their partners or an intimate circle of like-minded friends will know about their consuming interests and the depth of their love.  This is where the introverted . . .

V. Walter Odajnyk, Archetype and Character: Power, Eros, Spirt and Matter Personality Types. 

Liked this passage.  Struck chords.  Looked at his whole book but got lost in the perfection with which he arranged all the types and their variations.  "Fascination with the internal image activated by the outer person or thing" is the key surprise here.  Seems so right, so clearly accounts for so much of the last eighty years!! 

Or seventy.  

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